The work against human trafficking, anti-trafficking work (also known by its Finnish acronym, IKV work) of Pro-tukipiste, is both expert work and concrete support.

We do anti-trafficking work and promote the fundamental and human rights of adults who earn income in the sex and erotic industry. According to the view of Pro-tukipiste, the consensual work of adults in the sex or erotic industry and trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation are two different things.  

Our anti-trafficking work of aims to protect the rights of people who work in the sex or erotic industry and who are victims of trafficking in human beings or other serious crimes. The purpose of IKV work is to further prevent people from falling victim to human trafficking and other serious crimes.  

The staff at Pro-tukipiste have solid, diverse experience in the themes of sex work and trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Extensive professional skills and a wide knowledge of the field of commercial sex is significant in cases where the victim of crime has earned income from sex work or been pressured into, for example, prostitution or pornography as a victim of sexual exploitation. IKV work is carried out in close cooperation with the regional units of Pro-tukipiste.  

Expert work against human trafficking in the sex industry  

Our field of special expertise in our anti-trafficking work is human trafficking in the sex and erotic industry and in the various forms of sex against compensation. Pro-tukipiste has long-term practical experience in recognizing human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation and supporting the victims of crimes. 

We engage in anti-trafficking advocacy within structures in which we can influence the position of victims of trafficking in humans (networks and working groups). Our advocacy also involves providing the latest knowledge and views on broader issues concerning the commercial sex industry. We do advocacy work with organizations and the authorities to improve the position and to promote the rights of victims of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. We train professionals in different fields for recognizing human trafficking and providing information about the rights of victims of crime. 

Two staff members at Pro-tukipiste work as a pair specializing in anti-trafficking work. The IKV pair provides consultation and reflective support when there is a need to discuss and obtain up-to-date information particularly in a case concerning human trafficking related to sexual exploitation. You can contact the pair anonymously and at a low threshold. You can also contact the staff at our service units.